Estimating University IPv4 External Service Deployment Status

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University IPv6 & DNSSEC StatisticsUniversity IPv4 Statistics
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- Detailed IPv4 Service Interface Statistics for 2025.02.02 -

edu.uakron.University of Akron[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][3] 3/0/3 [O]
edu.aamu.Alabama A&M University[4] 3/1/3 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.alasu.Alabama State University[5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][3] 3/0/3 [O]
edu.uab.University of Alabama at Birmingham[5] 5/3/5 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I] of Alabama Tuscaloosa[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.albany.University at Albany[5] 5/4/5 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.alcorn.Alcorn State University[3] 3/0/2 [I][2] 1/1/1 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.american.American University[3] 3/3/3 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.appstate.Appalachian State University[3] 3/3/3 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.arizona.University of Arizona[4] 4/0/4 [I][2] 2/0/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.asu.Arizona State University[6] 6/6/6 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.astate.Arkansas State University[4] 4/0/4 [O][2] 1/1/1 [O][3] 3/0/3 [O]
edu.uark.University of Arkansas Fayetteville[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.ualr.University of Arkansas Little Rock[4] 4/0/4 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.auburn.Auburn University[3] 3/1/3 [M][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.apsu.Austin Peay State University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][3] 3/0/3 [O]
edu.bsu.Ball State University[6] 6/6/6 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.baylor.Baylor University[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.belmont.Belmont University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [I]
edu.cookman.Bethune-Cookman University[4] 4/4/4 [O][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.binghamton.Binghamton University[6] 6/6/6 [O][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.bsc.Birmingham-Southern College[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 8/8/8 [O][3] 3/3/3 [I]
edu.boisestate.Boise State University[4] 4/4/4 [O][7] 6/6/6 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.bc.Boston College[6] 6/6/6 [O][5] 5/5/5 [O][4] 4/4/4 [I]
edu.bu.Boston University[3] 3/1/3 [I][2] 16/16/16 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.bgsu.Bowling Green State University[6] 6/4/6 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/0/2 [O]
edu.bradley.Bradley University[4] 4/2/4 [M][5] 5/5/5 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.byu.Brigham Young University[3] 3/3/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.brown.Brown University[4] 4/1/4 [M][5] 5/5/5 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.bryant.Bryant University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.bucknell.Bucknell University[4] 4/4/4 [O][6] 6/6/6 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.buffalo.University at Buffalo[5] 5/1/5 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.butler.Butler University[4] 4/4/4 [O][2] 1/1/1 [O][2] 2/0/2 [I]
edu.calpoly.California Polytechnic State University[5] 5/3/5 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.csub.California State University Bakersfield[3] 3/2/3 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.csufresno.California State University Fresno[3] 3/2/3 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.fullerton.California State University Fullerton[3] 3/0/3 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.csun.California State University Northridge[4] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.csus.California State University Sacramento[5] 5/5/5 [M][3] 6/6/6 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.berkeley.University of California Berkeley[3] 3/2/3 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.ucdavis.University of California Davis[3] 3/3/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.uci.University of California Irvine[2] 2/0/2 [I][2] 1/1/1 [O][2] 2/0/2 [I]
edu.ucla.University of California Los Angeles[4] 4/1/4 [I][1] 5/5/5 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.ucr.University of California Riverside[2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 6/3/6 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.ucsb.University of California Santa Barbara[3] 3/2/3 [M][5] 3/3/3 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.ucsc.University of California Santa Cruz[3] 3/2/2 [M][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.campbell.Campbell University[2] 2/0/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.canisius.Canisius College[2] 2/2/2 [O][4] 4/0/4 [I][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.centenary.Centenary College (Louisiana)[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.uca.University of Central Arkansas[2] 2/0/2 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.ccsu.Central Connecticut State University[2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/0/2 [O]
edu.ucf.University of Central Florida[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.cmich.Central Michigan University[4] 4/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.cofc.College of Charleston (South Carolina)[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.csuniv.Charleston Southern University[2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.csu.Chicago State University[4] 4/2/4 [M][2] 3/0/3 [O][3] 3/0/3 [I]
edu.uc.University of Cincinnati[2] 2/2/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I] Citadel[6] 6/2/6 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.clemson.Clemson University[3] 3/2/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.csuohio.Cleveland State University[6] 6/4/6 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.coastal.Coastal Carolina University[3] 3/0/3 [I][2] 3/0/3 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.colgate.Colgate University[5] 3/3/3 [I][5] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [I]
edu.colorado.University of Colorado Boulder[6] 6/6/6 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.colostate.Colorado State University[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.columbia.Columbia University-Barnard College[6] 6/6/6 [M][2] 2/2/2 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.uconn.University of Connecticut[3] 3/3/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.coppin.Coppin State University[4] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.cornell.Cornell University[5] 5/4/5 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.creighton.Creighton University[2] 2/2/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.dartmouth.Dartmouth College[6] 6/6/6 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.davidson.Davidson College[4] 4/0/4 [M][2] 7/7/7 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.udayton.University of Dayton[4] 4/4/4 [O][5] 3/3/3 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.udel.University of Delaware[5] 5/3/5 [M][7] 5/5/5 [O][2] 2/0/2 [O]
edu.desu.Delaware State University[2] 2/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.du.University of Denver[4] 4/0/4 [O][2] 1/1/1 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.depaul.DePaul University[3] 3/3/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.udmercy.University of Detroit Mercy[5] 5/5/5 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.drake.Drake University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.drexel.Drexel University[2] 2/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.duke.Duke University[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.duq.Duquesne University[2] 2/2/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.ecu.East Carolina University[5] 4/0/4 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.etsu.East Tennessee State University[3] 3/0/3 [I][2] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.eiu.Eastern Illinois University[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.eku.Eastern Kentucky University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.emich.Eastern Michigan University[5] 5/4/5 [M][5] 5/5/5 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.ewu.Eastern Washington University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][3] 3/0/3 [I]
edu.elon.Elon University[2] 2/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/0 [I]
edu.evansville.University of Evansville[3] 3/3/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.fairfield.Fairfield University[2] 2/2/2 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.fdu.Fairleigh Dickinson University[3] 3/1/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.ufl.University of Florida[3] 5/5/5 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.famu.Florida A&M University[4] 4/4/4 [O][2] 3/0/3 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.fau.Florida Atlantic University[3] 3/2/3 [I][2] 2/1/2 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.fgcu.Florida Gulf Coast University[2] 2/2/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.fiu.Florida International University[2] 2/1/2 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.fsu.Florida State University[5] 5/2/5 [M][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.fordham.Fordham University[4] 4/0/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.furman.Furman University[2] 2/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.gardner-webb.Gardner-Webb University[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 3/0/3 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.gmu.George Mason University[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 1/0/1 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.gwu.George Washington University[2] 2/0/2 [I][10] 10/0/10 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.georgetown.Georgetown University[3] 3/3/3 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.uga.University of Georgia[3] 3/1/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.gatech.Georgia Institute of Technology[3] 3/1/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.georgiasouthern.Georgia Southern University[5] 5/0/5 [I][7] 7/7/7 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.gsu.Georgia State University[6] 6/0/6 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.gonzaga.Gonzaga University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.gram.Grambling State University[4] 4/4/4 [O][2] 1/1/1 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.hamptonu.Hampton University[2] 2/1/1 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][2] 2/0/2 [O]
edu.hartford.University of Hartford[4] 4/4/4 [M][2] 3/0/3 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.harvard.Harvard University[6] 6/6/6 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.hawaii.University of Hawaii[3] 3/3/3 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.highpoint.High Point University[2] 2/0/2 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.hofstra.Hofstra University[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [I]
edu.holycross.College of the Holy Cross[4] 4/4/4 [O][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.uh.University of Houston[3] 2/2/2 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.hbu.Houston Baptist University[6] 6/6/6 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-]
edu.howard.Howard University[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.uidaho.University of Idaho[4] 4/0/4 [O][2] 1/1/1 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-]
edu.isu.Idaho State University[2] 2/2/2 [I][7] 5/5/5 [O][2] 2/0/1 [O]
edu.ilstu.Illinois State University[2] 2/2/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.illinois.University of Illinois Champaign[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 2/2/2 [I][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.uic.University of Illinois at Chicago[3] 3/3/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.indstate.Indiana State University[5] 5/3/5 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.iub.Indiana University[3] 3/2/3 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.ipfw.Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne[S] 0/0/0 [L][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]
edu.iupui.Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis[3] 3/2/3 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.iona.Iona College[4] 4/0/4 [M][2] 3/0/3 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.uiowa.University of Iowa[4] 4/0/3 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.iastate.Iowa State University[3] 3/3/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.jsums.Jackson State University[2] 2/0/1 [I][7] 6/6/6 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.jsu.Jacksonville State University[3] 3/1/3 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.ju.Jacksonville University[6] 6/6/6 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.jmu.James Madison University[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.ku.University of Kansas[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.ksu.Kansas State University[3] 3/1/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.kennesaw.Kennesaw State University[10] 10/0/8 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.kent.Kent State University[2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.uky.University of Kentucky[2] 2/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I] Salle University[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.lafayette.Lafayette College[2] 2/0/2 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.lamar.Lamar University[3] 3/3/3 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.lehigh.Lehigh University[3] 3/1/3 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-]
edu.liberty.Liberty University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.lipscomb.Lipscomb University[4] 4/0/4 [O][7] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.csulb.Long Beach State University[6] 5/1/4 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/0/2 [O]
edu.brooklyn.Long Island University-Brooklyn Campus[3] 3/2/3 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-]
edu.longwood.Longwood University[4] 4/4/4 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.louisiana.University of Louisiana at Lafayette[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.ulm.University of Louisiana at Monroe[2] 2/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.lsu.Louisiana State University[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.latech.Louisiana Tech University[3] 2/0/2 [M][4] 4/0/4 [I][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.louisville.University of Louisville[5] 3/3/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.lmu.Loyola Marymount University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][8] 8/0/8 [O]
edu.luc.Loyola University (Illinois)[3] 3/3/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.loyola.Loyola University Maryland[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][3] 3/0/3 [O]
edu.umaine.University of Maine[2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.manhattan.Manhattan College[4] 4/4/4 [O][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.marist.Marist College[4] 4/4/4 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.marquette.Marquette University[2] 2/0/2 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.marshall.Marshall University[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.umbc.University of Maryland Baltimore County[5] 5/0/5 [I][1] 1/0/1 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.umd.University of Maryland College Park[3] 3/3/3 [M][2] 8/8/8 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.umes.University of Maryland Eastern Shore[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/0 [I]
edu.umass.University of Massachusetts[3] 3/3/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.mcneese.McNeese State University[2] 6/6/6 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.memphis.University of Memphis[4] 4/4/4 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/0/2 [I]
edu.mercer.Mercer University[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-] of Miami (Florida)[7] 8/6/8 [M][2] 2/2/2 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.muohio.Miami University (Ohio)[4] 4/4/4 [O][5] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.umich.University of Michigan[4] 4/2/4 [M][2] 6/0/6 [I][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.msu.Michigan State University[4] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.mtsu.Middle Tennessee State University[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.umn.University of Minnesota[3] 3/3/3 [I][10] 10/10/10 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.olemiss.University of Mississippi[3] 3/0/3 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.msstate.Mississippi State University[3] 3/2/3 [M][2] 2/2/2 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.mvsu.Mississippi Valley State University[S] 0/0/0 [L][3] 6/6/6 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.missouristate.Missouri State University[3] 3/1/3 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.missouri.University of Missouri[2] 2/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.umkc.University of Missouri-Kansas City[5] 5/2/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.monmouth.Monmouth University[3] 3/3/3 [O][2] 6/0/6 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.umt.University of Montana[3] 3/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/0/2 [O]
edu.montana.Montana State University-Bozeman[3] 3/2/3 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.moreheadstate.Morehead State University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.morgan.Morgan State University[3] 3/1/3 [M][7] 6/6/6 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.msmary.Mount St. Mary's University[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.murraystate.Murray State University[7] 6/0/6 [M][7] 6/6/6 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.unl.University of Nebraska Lincoln[4] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.unlv.University of Nevada Las Vegas[3] 3/0/3 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.unr.University of Nevada[3] 3/1/3 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.unh.University of New Hampshire[6] 6/3/6 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.njit.New Jersey Institute of Technology[4] 4/2/4 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.unm.University of New Mexico[3] 3/2/3 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.nmsu.New Mexico State University[2] 2/2/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I] of New Orleans[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.niagara.Niagara University[2] 2/0/2 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.nicholls.Nicholls State University[5] 5/3/5 [M][5] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.nsu.Norfolk State University[2] 2/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.unca.University of North Carolina Asheville[2] 2/0/2 [O][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.ncat.North Carolina A&T State University[2] 2/0/2 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.nccu.North Carolina Central University[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.ncsu.North Carolina State University[3] 3/0/3 [I][5] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.unc.University of North Carolina Chapel Hill[4] 4/2/4 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.uncc.University of North Carolina Charlotte[5] 5/0/4 [M][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.uncg.University of North Carolina Greensboro[3] 3/2/3 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.uncw.University of North Carolina Wilmington[2] 2/0/2 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.und.University of North Dakota[5] 5/4/5 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.ndsu.North Dakota State University[3] 3/3/3 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.unf.University of North Florida[4] 4/2/4 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.unt.University of North Texas[2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.northeastern.Northeastern University[6] 6/6/6 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.nau.Northern Arizona University[3] 3/3/3 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.unco.University of Northern Colorado[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.niu.Northern Illinois University[2] 2/2/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.uni.University of Northern Iowa[4] 4/3/4 [M][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.nsula.Northwestern State University[2] 6/6/6 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.northwestern.Northwestern University[2] 2/2/2 [I][6] 6/0/6 [I][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.nd.University of Notre Dame[3] 3/2/3 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][3] 3/0/3 [O]
edu.oakland.Oakland University[2] 6/6/6 [O][5] 5/5/5 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.osu.The Ohio State University[6] 6/6/6 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.ohio.Ohio University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.ou.University of Oklahoma[4] 4/4/4 [O][2] 1/1/1 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.okstate.Oklahoma State University[3] 3/2/3 [M][4] 4/4/4 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.odu.Old Dominion University[8] 8/2/8 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.oru.Oral Roberts University[3] 3/3/3 [M][2] 6/0/6 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.uoregon.University of Oregon[4] 4/3/4 [M][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.oregonstate.Oregon State University[5] 5/5/5 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.pacific.University of the Pacific[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.upenn.University of Pennsylvania[8] 8/6/8 [M][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.psu.Pennsylvania State University[4] 4/0/4 [I][4] 7/4/7 [M][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.pepperdine.Pepperdine University[3] 3/3/3 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.pitt.University of Pittsburgh[2] 2/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.up.University of Portland[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.pdx.Portland State University[4] 4/4/4 [O][5] 5/5/5 [O][4] 4/4/4 [I]
edu.pvamu.Prairie View A&M University[2] 6/6/6 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.presby.Presbyterian College[2] 2/2/2 [O][5] 3/3/3 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.princeton.Princeton University[9] 9/9/9 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.providence.Providence College[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.purdue.Purdue University[6] 6/6/6 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.quinnipiac.Quinnipiac University[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.radford.Radford University[4] 4/4/4 [O][2] 4/4/4 [M][3] 3/0/3 [O]
edu.uri.University of Rhode Island[3] 3/3/3 [M][2] 1/1/1 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.rice.Rice University[4] 4/4/4 [M][2] 6/0/6 [I][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.richmond.University of Richmond[4] 4/0/4 [O][2] 1/1/1 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.rider.Rider University[2] 2/0/2 [M][5] 5/5/5 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.rmu.Robert Morris University[4] 4/4/4 [O][5] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.rutgers.Rutgers[5] 5/5/5 [M][2] 2/2/2 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.sacredheart.Sacred Heart University[4] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][2] 2/0/2 [O]
edu.shsu.Sam Houston State University[3] 3/3/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][3] 3/0/3 [O]
edu.samford.Samford University[4] 4/0/4 [O][3] 6/2/6 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.sandiego.University of San Diego[4] 4/4/4 [O][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.sdsu.San Diego State University[2] 2/0/2 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.usfca.University of San Francisco[5] 5/4/5 [M][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.sjsu.San Jose State University[6] 5/5/5 [M][7] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.scu.Santa Clara University[4] 4/4/4 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.savannahstate.Savannah State University[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.seattleu.Seattle University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.shu.Seton Hall University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.siena.Siena College[2] 2/0/2 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.southalabama.University of South Alabama[2] 2/0/2 [O][5] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I] of South Carolina[5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.scsu.South Carolina State University[4] 4/0/4 [O][2] 3/0/3 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.uscupstate.University of South Carolina Upstate[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.usd.University of South Dakota[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.sdstate.South Dakota State University[2] 2/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.usf.University of South Florida[3] 3/2/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.semo.Southeast Missouri State University[3] 3/2/3 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.selu.Southeastern Louisiana University[4] 4/4/4 [O][5] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.usc.University of Southern California[2] 2/2/2 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.siuc.Southern Illinois University at Carbondale[4] 4/0/4 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.siue.Southern Illinois University Edwardsville[8] 8/4/4 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.smu.Southern Methodist University[3] 3/1/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.usm.University of Southern Mississippi[2] 2/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.subr.Southern University Baton Rouge[6] 6/3/3 [M][3] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.suu.Southern Utah University[2] 2/0/2 [O][2] 1/1/1 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.sbu.St. Bonaventure University[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.francis.Saint Francis University (Pennsylvania)[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.stjohns.St. John's University (New York)[4] 4/1/3 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.sju.Saint Joseph's University[4] 4/4/4 [O][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.slu.Saint Louis University[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.stmarys-ca.St. Mary's College of California[4] 4/0/4 [O][5] 5/5/5 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.spc.St. Peter's College[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.stanford.Stanford University[6] 6/6/6 [M][2] 1/1/1 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.sfasu.Stephen F. Austin State University[2] 2/0/2 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.stetson.Stetson University[2] 6/6/6 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][3] 3/3/3 [I]
edu.sunysb.Stony Brook University[3] 3/1/3 [O][5] 5/5/5 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.syr.Syracuse University[7] 4/4/4 [I][1] 3/3/3 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.temple.Temple University[3] 3/3/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.tnstate.Tennessee State University[2] 1/0/0 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.tntech.Tennessee Technological University[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.utc.University of Tennessee Chattanooga[2] 2/2/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][3] 3/3/3 [O]
edu.utk.University of Tennessee Knoxville[4] 4/3/4 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.utm.University of Tennessee Martin[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [I]
edu.tamu.Texas A&M University[4] 4/0/4 [I][2] 2/2/2 [I][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.tamucc.Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi[3] 3/2/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.tcu.Texas Christian University[2] 2/1/2 [I][4] 4/4/4 [I][2] 2/0/2 [O]
edu.tsu.Texas Southern University[5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.txstate.Texas State University-San Marcos[4] 4/0/4 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.ttu.Texas Tech University[2] 2/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.uta.University of Texas at Arlington[2] 2/1/2 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.utexas.University of Texas at Austin[3] 3/3/3 [I][1] 14/14/14 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.utep.University of Texas El Paso[2] 2/2/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.utpa.University of Texas Pan American[4] 4/0/4 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 1/0/1 [O]
edu.utsa.University of Texas San Antonio[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.utoledo.University of Toledo[2] 2/2/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.towson.Towson University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.troy.Troy University[2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][3] 3/0/3 [O]
edu.tulane.Tulane University[2] 2/1/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.utulsa.University of Tulsa[6] 6/2/2 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.usafa.U.S. Air Force Academy[2] 2/0/2 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.usma.U.S. Military Academy[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]
edu.usna.U.S. Naval Academy[2] 2/0/2 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/0/0 [I]
edu.utah.University of Utah[4] 4/2/4 [I][1] 1/0/1 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.usu.Utah State University[3] 3/2/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.uvu.Utah Valley University[2] 2/2/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]
edu.valpo.Valparaiso University[4] 4/4/4 [O][9] 8/8/8 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.vanderbilt.Vanderbilt University[4] 4/2/4 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [I]
edu.uvm.University of Vermont[2] 2/0/2 [I][4] 4/3/4 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.villanova.Villanova University[9] 9/4/7 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/0/2 [O]
edu.virginia.University of Virginia[3] 3/2/3 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.vcu.Virginia Commonwealth University[2] 2/1/2 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.vmi.Virginia Military Institute[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/0/2 [O]
edu.vt.Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University[4] 4/4/4 [M][5] 5/5/5 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.wagner.Wagner College[6] 6/2/6 [M][7] 6/6/6 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.wfu.Wake Forest University[4] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/0/4 [I][4] 4/0/4 [O]
edu.washington.University of Washington[3] 3/3/3 [M][2] 1/1/1 [O][4] 4/0/4 [O]
edu.wsu.Washington State University[2] 2/0/2 [I][2] 1/1/1 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I] State University[3] 3/3/3 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.wvu.West Virginia University[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.wcu.Western Carolina University[4] 4/0/4 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.wiu.Western Illinois University[2] 2/0/2 [I][5] 5/5/5 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.wku.Western Kentucky University[3] 3/3/3 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.wmich.Western Michigan University[4] 4/1/4 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.wichita.Wichita State University[4] 4/4/4 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.wm.College of William and Mary[6] 6/2/6 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.winthrop.Winthrop University[2] 2/2/2 [I][7] 7/7/7 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.uwgb.University of Wisconsin Green Bay[4] 4/2/4 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.wisc.University of Wisconsin[4] 4/1/4 [I][2] 1/1/1 [O][4] 4/4/4 [O]
edu.uwm.University of Wisconsin Milwaukee[2] 2/2/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.wofford.Wofford College[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.wright.Wright State University[4] 4/3/4 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.wyoming.University of Wyoming[3] 3/2/3 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]
edu.xavier.Xavier University[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]
edu.yale.Yale University[4] 4/2/4 [M][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]
edu.ysu.Youngstown State University[3] 3/0/2 [I][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]

For comments, questions or suggested domains please contact: