Estimating IPv6 & DNSSEC External Service Deployment Status

Department of Justice

Background and MethodologyIPv6 & DNSSEC SnapShots
USG IPv6 & DNSSEC StatisticsUSG IPv4 Statistics
Industry IPv6 & DNSSEC StatisticsIndustry IPv4 Statistics
University IPv6 & DNSSEC StatisticsUniversity IPv4 Statistics
CFO Act Agency Summary StatisticsUSG IPv6 Enabled WWW Sites



- Detailed IPv6 & DNSSEC Service Interface Statistics for 2024.12.04 -

DomainOrganizationDNSMailWebLinks   DNSSEC   
gov.ada.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][4] 8/8/8 [O]100%/62%S/V/C
gov.amberalert.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/79%S/V/C
gov.atf.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/89%S/V/C
gov.atfonline.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.bats.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.biometriccoe.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][2] 2/2/2 [I]100%/94%S/V/C
gov.bja.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/5 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/0 [I]0%/69%S/V/C
gov.bjs.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/78%S/V/C
gov.bop.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 2/0/0 [O][4] 0/0/0 [O]0%/71%U/-/-
gov.campusdrugprevention.Department of Justice[6] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.cjis.Department of Justice[2] 2/0/2 [I][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/50%S/V/C
gov.crimesolutions.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][1] 0/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/76%S/V/C
gov.crimevictims.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/78%S/V/C
gov.cybercrime.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 1/1/1 [I]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.dea.Department of Justice[6] 6/6/5 [O][2] 2/0/0 [O][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.deaecom.Department of Justice[2] 6/0/6 [O][1] 0/0/0 [I][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/33%S/V/C
gov.doj.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%U/-/-
gov.dsac.Department of Justice[4] 4/4/4 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][2] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.elderjustice.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.epic.Department of Justice[6] 6/6/5 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.fara.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/100%U/-/-
gov.fbi.Department of Justice[4] 4/4/4 [O][2] 0/0/0 [I][2] 2/2/2 [O]100%/94%S/V/C
gov.fbihr.Department of Justice[S] 0/0/0 [L][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%U/I/C
gov.fbijobs.Department of Justice[2] 2/2/2 [I][0] 0/0/0 [-][2] 2/2/2 [I]67%/80%S/V/C
gov.fbilab.Department of Justice[4] 4/0/4 [O][2] 0/0/0 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.firstfreedom.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.foia.Department of Justice[2] 6/0/5 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][2] 2/0/2 [O]100%/100%U/-/-
gov.forfeiture.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][4] 8/8/8 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.fpi.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.getsmartaboutdrugs.Department of Justice[6] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.healthycompetition.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.ic3.Department of Justice[2] 2/2/2 [I][2] 2/0/2 [I][1] 1/1/1 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.interpol.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/100%U/-/-
gov.iprcenter.Department of Justice[4] 4/4/4 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][2] 2/2/2 [O]100%/85%S/V/C
gov.jcode.Department of Justice[2] 2/2/2 [I][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.justauth.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.justice.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/4 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.justthinktwice.Department of Justice[6] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.juvenilecouncil.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/75%S/V/C
gov.learnatf.Department of Justice[2] 6/0/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/60%U/-/-
gov.learndoj.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/0%U/-/-
gov.leo.Department of Justice[2] 2/0/2 [O][1] 0/0/0 [O][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.lep.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%U/-/-
gov.malwareinvestigator.Department of Justice[S] 0/0/0 [L][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%U/I/C
gov.medalofvalor.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/100%U/-/-
gov.namus.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/85%U/-/-
gov.nationalgangcenter.Department of Justice[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]100%/79%U/-/-
gov.ncirc.Department of Justice[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 0/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [O]25%/66%U/-/-
gov.ncjrs.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][1] 0/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/74%S/V/C
gov.nicic.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][7] 5/5/5 [O][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/46%S/V/C
gov.nicsezcheckfbi.Department of Justice[2] 2/0/2 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/50%S/V/C
gov.nij.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/80%S/V/C
gov.nlead.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][4] 8/8/8 [O]50%/62%S/V/C
gov.nmvtis.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 2/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/74%S/V/C
gov.nsopr.Department of Justice[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 0/0/0 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%U/-/-
gov.nsopw.Department of Justice[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]100%/82%U/-/-
gov.nvtc.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][5] 5/5/5 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]100%/95%S/V/C
gov.ojjdp.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/89%S/V/C
gov.ojp.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][2] 2/2/2 [I]100%/84%U/-/-
gov.ovc.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/78%S/V/C
gov.ovcttac.Department of Justice[2] 6/0/6 [O][2] 0/0/0 [O][1] 1/0/1 [I]100%/73%S/V/C
gov.projectsafechildhood.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.projectsafeneighborhoods.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/100%S/?/B
gov.psob.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]0%/50%U/-/-
gov.rcfl.Department of Justice[4] 4/4/4 [O][2] 0/0/0 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.reentry.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.scra.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.seized.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.servicemembers.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/100%S/V/C of Justice[2] 6/0/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 1/0/1 [I]100%/82%S/V/C
gov.tribaljusticeandsafety.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/5 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 1/1/1 [I]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.tsc.Department of Justice[2] 2/0/2 [O][2] 0/0/0 [O][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/89%S/V/C
gov.ucrdatatool.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.unicor.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/5 [O][2] 1/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/80%S/V/C
gov.usdoj.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 2/0/0 [I][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.userra.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 2/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.usmarshals.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 2/0/0 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]100%/77%S/V/C
gov.vcf.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 2/0/0 [O][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.vehiclehistory.Department of Justice[2] 6/6/6 [O][2] 2/0/0 [O][1] 1/1/1 [I]100%/79%S/V/C

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