Estimating IPv6 & DNSSEC External Service Deployment Status

Department of Defense

Background and MethodologyIPv6 & DNSSEC SnapShots
USG IPv6 & DNSSEC StatisticsUSG IPv4 Statistics
Industry IPv6 & DNSSEC StatisticsIndustry IPv4 Statistics
University IPv6 & DNSSEC StatisticsUniversity IPv4 Statistics
CFO Act Agency Summary StatisticsUSG IPv6 Enabled WWW Sites



- Detailed IPv6 & DNSSEC Service Interface Statistics for 2025.02.08 -

DomainOrganizationDNSMailWebLinks   DNSSEC   
gov.adlnet.Department of Defense[4] 4/4/4 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][4] 8/8/8 [O]100%/84%U/-/-
gov.aftac.Department of Defense[2] 0/0/0 [I][2] 0/0/0 [I][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%U/-/-
gov.altusandc.Department of Defense[2] 0/0/0 [I][3] 0/0/0 [M][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%U/-/-
gov.blueroof.Department of Defense[8] 3/3/3 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/92%S/V/C
gov.businessdefense.Department of Defense[3] 0/0/0 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.cap.Department of Defense[6] 6/0/4 [I][5] 5/0/5 [O][1] 1/0/0 [I]0%/52%S/V/C
gov.capnhq.Department of Defense[6] 6/3/4 [O][1] 0/0/0 [O][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.cmts.Department of Defense[6] 6/6/6 [O][1] 0/0/0 [O][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/88%U/-/-
gov.cnss.Department of Defense[6] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][2] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.ctoc.Department of Defense[2] 0/0/0 [O][1] 0/0/0 [I][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/30%U/-/-
gov.cttso.Department of Defense[2] 6/6/6 [O][1] 0/0/0 [O][3] 3/3/3 [I]100%/93%U/-/-
gov.dc3on.Department of Defense[2] 0/0/0 [I][2] 0/0/0 [I][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.defense.Department of Defense[8] 3/3/3 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/88%S/V/C
gov.doddns.Department of Defense[3] 0/0/0 [I][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%U/-/-
gov.ecs.Department of Defense[3] 0/0/0 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%U/-/-
gov.ehr.Department of Defense[13] 0/0/0 [O][2] 0/0/0 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%U/-/-
gov.fehrm.Department of Defense[9] 0/0/0 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][4] 8/8/8 [O]100%/75%U/-/-
gov.fvap.Department of Defense[6] 6/6/6 [O][2] 0/0/0 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]100%/89%S/V/C
gov.hive.Department of Defense[9] 0/0/0 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][4] 8/8/8 [O]100%/100%U/-/-
gov.iad.Department of Defense[6] 6/6/6 [O][4] 0/0/0 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.intelligencecareers.Department of Defense[6] 6/6/6 [O][4] 0/0/0 [O][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.ioss.Department of Defense[6] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][2] 2/2/2 [O]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.itc.Department of Defense[2] 0/0/0 [O][1] 0/0/0 [I][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%U/-/-
gov.iwtsd.Department of Defense[2] 6/6/6 [O][1] 0/0/0 [O][3] 3/3/3 [I]100%/93%S/?/B
gov.jccs.Department of Defense[3] 0/0/0 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/90%S/V/C
gov.lps.Department of Defense[1] 0/0/0 [I][1] 0/0/0 [I][6] 0/0/0 [O]0%/67%S/V/C
gov.mds.Department of Defense[3] 0/0/0 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%U/-/-
gov.mtmc.Department of Defense[3] 0/0/0 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.mypay.Department of Defense[S] 0/0/0 [L][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%U/-/-
gov.nationalresourcedirectory.Department of Defense[3] 3/0/3 [I][1] 1/0/0 [I][1] 1/0/1 [I]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.nbib.Department of Defense[6] 6/6/6 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/93%S/V/C
gov.nrd.Department of Defense[3] 3/0/3 [I][2] 1/0/0 [I][1] 1/0/1 [I]100%/100%S/V/C
gov.nro.Department of Defense[4] 0/0/0 [O][1] 2/2/2 [O][2] 2/2/2 [O]100%/92%S/V/C
gov.nsa.Department of Defense[6] 6/6/6 [O][4] 0/0/0 [O][1] 2/2/2 [O]100%/96%S/V/C
gov.nsep.Department of Defense[2] 2/0/2 [O][1] 0/0/0 [I][1] 1/0/0 [I]0%/0%U/-/-
gov.oea.Department of Defense[3] 0/0/0 [O][1] 4/4/4 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%S/?/B
gov.oldcc.Department of Defense[3] 0/0/0 [O][1] 4/0/4 [O][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.oneaftac.Department of Defense[4] 4/4/4 [O][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.tak.Department of Defense[4] 4/0/4 [O][1] 2/0/2 [O][3] 0/0/0 [I]0%/0%S/V/C
gov.tswg.Department of Defense[2] 6/6/6 [O][1] 0/0/0 [O][3] 3/3/3 [I]100%/93%U/-/-
gov.ukraineoversight.Department of Defense[3] 0/0/0 [O][4] 0/0/0 [O][1] 5/5/5 [O]100%/84%S/V/C
gov.usandc.Department of Defense[4] 0/0/0 [O][3] 0/0/0 [O][1] 0/0/0 [I]0%/0%U/-/-
gov.usgovdod.Department of Defense[S] 0/0/0 [L][0] 0/0/0 [-][0] 0/0/0 [-]0%/0%U/-/-

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